All Invasive Species
Invasive Specie is defined as a non-native animal that has been introduced to Florida's environment that begins to spread or expand its range from the site of its original introduction and has the potential to cause harm to the environment.
- Iguana (and other invasive lizard) Control
There are many types of invasive species that are here in Florida. If you are noticing a nuisance animal on your property, call us today to see how we can help.
Snake Removal and Relocation
Did you have a snake slither inside your home? Or perhaps you see a snake outside and you are not sure what kind it is. Pesky Varmints is here to help. Snakes are our specialty, and our team is trained in handling and safely relocating them without harm.
- Removal and relocation from inside of home, condos or office buildings
- Help identifying different species of snakes / Venomous VS Non-Venomous
- Removal of ALL Invasive Species for interior and exterior
We encourage native snakes that are found on the exterior of the property to be left alone in their natural environment. They are a natural pest control, helping to reduce the population of palm rats and other critters, and are beneficial to have. When left alone, they will move along. Never try to pick up a snake of any kind if not trained properly.
Trapping & Relocation Services
All healthy, native wildlife causing a nuisance to your home or office will be trapped and relocated back to the wild.
- Raccoons
- Opossums
There are many other species that Pesky Varmints can help with. If you are noticing nuisance wildlife around your home, call us today to see how we can help.